Thursday, December 6, 2012

Picture Blog!

Since I just finished a blog earlier today (read it below if you haven't), I decided to post pictures instead of writing a bunch :-) Here they are!

Walking to our friend's apartment

The Pagoda (sp?) on our walk

A co-worker's (Vinnie's) nephew! He's only 2 weeks old. How cute!

At Vinnie's brother's bakery...our favorite place to eat. It's called Sweetie!

A waterfall near the school. At night, they light it up.

My desk is on the left, Ryan's is on the right. The deer own the middle. (Ryan 'borrowed' them from the  Christmas decoration pile and decided to make our desks look festive. hahahaha)

Ryan and Josh. Gareth is in the background!

The office!


This is the hall of our school—its all decorated for Christmas!

This is our demo room when parents come look at the school. We also have teaching competitions (and sometimes class) in here!

A regular classroom

Another demo room with a "Hite Board" (interactive board)

The kitchen

Another typical classroom

The Hite board we were playing around with

Here are the deer again!

This is molly. The sweet, floppy, naughty puppy! (As we speak she is tearing up a pillow. I just yelled at her so she just walked over to the cement and started eating that instead. I don't know why she likes crunching on it—she broke a tooth yesterday—but she does!)

Molly and Ryan again

Walkin Molly in a beautiful city park called Shi Ming Square :-)

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