Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thank You Farmer Guy

So I work at Starbucks. This is no strange or unknown fact. But there are some people, "regulars", that come in and make my day, give me a story to tell, or just make me laugh 'til it hurts to breathe. To give a few "shout outs":
Les (iced quad venti mocha)
Ted (venti caramel frappaccino with raspberry, with the leftovers from the pitcher going to Scooby the dog)
Rebbecca (venti skinny cinnamon dolce with soy)
Espresso Guy (quad espresso and a cheese danish)
Eddie (Venti caramel frappaccino with 2 shots)
Oatmeal lady (Oatmeal with extra water)
Cintas Delivery Guy (Grande Passion Tea Lemonade)
Crazy Ex Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Lady (Venti Carmel Macchiato with whole milk, whipped cream, 3x's as much caramel top and bottom, and 15 extra pumps of vanilla)

While all those people are cool, well, some aren't but most are. I shared a few with you because a few people on that list are just ridiculous and are planning on giving themselves and their children diabetes before they all hit 30. There is one guy, however, that has officially made my day today. He is the Farmer Guy. He always comes in and drops like $15 on frappaccinos, and every time he comes in he is happy to pay for it.(no big deal) But the thing is he never asks for a free drink. Why am I bringing this up. I will tell you. Because every time he comes in he drops off at least $100 worth of fruits and vegetables. One time within one week he brought 40 pounds of asparagus for us to take home and enjoy! I mean this guy is AWESOME!!!!! Why does he do it? I don't know. All I know is he is a local farmer that is bringing me onions tomorrow. Why? Because I requested it! That is a serious culinary hook up! Here are some pictures of some things I brought home today.(And saved a few bucks when we did our weekly shopping at Tom Thumb). If you can't tell  this is all organic and natural stuff which normally people pay the big bucks for. I brought home red potatoes, green tomatoes,  red tomatoes, eggplant(which I used in our eggplant parmesan that was out of this world.) and pickled/jarred okra. Farmer Guy if you read this, and you really do bring me onions...I don't care who is at work tomorrow, your Venti Mocha Frappaccino is on the house!

 This is not eggplant. That is what your thinking. And your right! It is some of the red tomato Farmer Guy gave me. Fresh Diced tomatoes that went right on top of eggplant parmesan right before in went in that oven made this dish incredible!

So what did we learn fellow bloggers, family, and friends? TAKE CARE OF YOUR BARISTAS!!!
            Because in return we will indeed take care of you! We don't care what you give us. Cereal, Socks, Belts, Cool bags, pillows, coffee related stuff, stuff to read, Mac 'n Cheese, vegetables, tips, funny facts (all of these things I have indeed received from Sbux customers) We don't care what you give as long as we know you think of us as more than the people that pour your triple grande whole milk latte with 2 raw sugars (Les' other drink).

Thank you Farmer Guy, and all those people at Starbucks that make waking up at 4 A.M worth not sleeping in.



  1. Ryan, PLEASE let me buy Farmer Guy the drink of his choice. I'm all about local organic food and knowing you have gotten some makes my night. If I was a little closer I'd be buying whatever he would sell me. It looks wonderful and what makes me happy is that you know how to use it. I'm one proud mama.

  2. That's sweet! How's the pickled okra?

  3. Can I just say that I LOVE this blog!!! You guys make me smile and hearing what ya'll are up to on a day-to-day basis is so great! LOVE IT!!
